
Content for Long-Term Value Across Organic Search and Social Channels

Thank you for your interest in partnering with GarageSpot.com to get your products or services in front of a dedicated audience we affectionately refer to as our fellow garage geeks.

Our Editorial Mission

Our editorial mission at GarageSpot.com is three-fold:

  1. to put new and cool products and services on our audiences’ radars,
  2. to provide our own insights on those products and services,
  3. and to offer tips and techniques related to our theme based on our own experiences or others’.

GarageSpot.com is not a giant affiliate play, nor are we interested in “SEO partnerships” (link exchanges and other garbage content). Yes, we link to Amazon to help pay a few bills, but we’re not randomly grabbing popular products from Amazon and making Top-10 lists. We’re interested in genuinely helping our fellow garage geeks find, use, build, and make cool stuff and our consistent organic traffic growth is proof that it’s working quite well.

We’ve made a conscious decision to avoid going “in the house”—that is, focusing on content related to home repairs and the like. We’re also careful not to swing too far into the automotive industry news arena (new car coverage, reviews, etc.), as there are far too many who do that better than we could or are interested in doing on both fronts. That said, we do focus heavily on the aftermarket industry because our audience loves to make their rides look good and perform better. And, of course, we love to cover tools and equipment that the average Joe would use in his own garage or lawn and garden.

Our Audience

GarageSpot.com’s core audience are those who enjoy working and playing in the garage and, by extension, their lawns and gardens. Most have an affinity for cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, and all of the different tools and gadgets used to maintain their vehicles. A good majority of our audience are also creators—woodworkers, fabricators, and the like. By day, many are professionals—mechanics, contractors, trades professionals, etc. For the most part, fixing stuff and tinkering is in their blood. As one would expect, our audience is mostly male (86%) between the ages of 25-54, but we do know that certain editorial themes—like woodworking—attract quite a few women.

Our Growth Strategy

While we can’t share much of our [mostly] digital growth strategy publicly, we are constantly promoting both GarageSpot.com as a destination site and its content across paid and organic search, social and mobile channels. Our founder (Michael P. Turner) built and managed digital strategy, marketing, and public relations teams for both very large and smaller agencies and corporate clients. We understand content marketing and audience engagement and are constantly testing and learning, allowing data and creativity to inform everything we do to grow the GarageSpot brand and its target audiences.

Opportunities for Your Brand

We’re interested in partnering with brands that can help us develop quality native content for our audiences. That content should fit our editorial mission, be genuinely helpful to our audience, and not be delivered as a blatant sales pitch. Take a look at our content—it’s hard to identify what is a paid sponsorship and what is not. And that’s how we like it. When content is created with the reader’s best interest in mind, it’ll do its job and convert so long as they’re at a certain point in their buying journey.

NOTE: We do not accept money or gifts for positive product or service reviews. More on our review process can be found here.

Our Network

The GarageSpot network consists of this website for more detailed content, Instagram for visual content, and Facebook for an ever-increasingly-difficult-to-reach community of over 20k fans (as of 8/2019). We also dabble on Pinterest, YouTube, and others but our more recent focus is to grow visual content on Instagram and [soon] YouTube. You can find links to our social channels at the very top of this page.

On this website, we can deliver targeted rotating banners ads, static sponsorships, and native or in-stream sponsorships—the latter being what we’re most interested in, as explained above. It’s rare that we’ll post an old-school banner ad to another website. We’d much rather point that ad to a much more valuable [for our readers] piece of sponsored native content. And because content ultimately ends up buried from passive visitors as we grow, when developed strategically its value across organic search channels is long-lasting. We also invest in promoting key content to keep it alive across our own site, as well as search and social media channels, where it makes sense.

If you’d like to discuss opportunities for your brand to shine on GarageSpot.com, please contact us to continue this conversation.